The House of Literature in Bergen - western Norway's literary centre. An arena for literature, debate and cultural experiences.

Bergen International Book Club








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This month we’ll discuss "The Thorn Puller" by Hiromi Ito

Bergen International Book Club








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This month we’ll discuss "The Butterfly’s Burden" by Mahmoud Darwish

Your event at The House of Literature in Bergen?

See our rooms

About us

Huset åpnet dørene 31. januar 2013 og består av fem rom viet arrangementer og litteraturformidling, bokhandel, kontorlokaler, kafé og brasseri. Vi låner også ut skriveplass til forfattere og skribenter i Skrivestua.

Litteraturhuset er kurator for egne arrangementer og leier ut lokaler til eksterne. Litteraturhuset vil til en hver tid gjøre redaksjonelle vurderinger når det gjelder potensielle leietakere og deres program.

Opening hours

Monday–Friday 10.00–16.00

Monday–Thursday: 11.00–19.00
Friday and Saturday: 11.00–16.00

Monday–Saturday 11.00–15.00
Evenings Wednesday-Saturday from 18.00.

Our location

Litteraturhuset har en inngang i Østre Skostredet og en i Vestre Skostredet. Inngangen i Vestre Skostredet er tilrettelagt for bruk av rullestol. Vi har halsslynge til høreapparat tilgjengelig.


Billetter selges på nettsiden vår, i vår billettapp LinTicket og i Boksalongen i åpningstiden. Det påløper en avgift på kr 10,– til vår billettdistributør, avgiften er inkludert i billettprisen. Studentpris gjelder også for trygdede.

For å sikre deg billett til et arrangement og for å unngå kø og forsinkelser, er det lurt å være ute i god tid! Vi oppfordrer alle våre publikummere til å kjøpe billett på forhånd. Det er dessverre ikke mulig å reservere plass til gratis arrangement. Publikum som ankommer etter programstart er ikke garantert plass. Dørene åpner vanligvis 20 minutter før arrangementet begynner.

Advertise in brochure?

Litteraturhusets programbrosjyre gis ut én gang i kvartalet med et opplag på 2000. Kontakt oss på ved ønske om annonsering.

About Skriverstua

Trenger du en skriveplass? Vi tilbyr et sted å skrive og et kollegium.
Interessert? Ta kontakt med oss på, eller kom innom oss i kontortiden. Tilbudet er gratis.

The Board

Styret for Litteraturhuset i Bergen: Arne Selvik (styreleder), Kjetil Bjorvatn, Øyunn Viken, Øyvind Vågnes, Ragna Aarli

Opening hours

Monday–Friday 10.00–16.00

Monday–Thursday 11.00–19.00
Friday and Saturday 11.00–16.00

Lunch 11.00–15.00
Dinner 17.00–21.30

Doors close at 23.00

About us

As a non-profit foundation, our purpose is to communicate and awaken interest in literature and reading as well as to encourage debate on current social issues.

Our doors opened on 31 January 2013. We both curate our own events and rent out space to external organisers. Our premises encompass five meeting rooms, an auditorium, a podcast studio, a bookshop, and a café and brasserie as well as offices and writing pods.

Location and accessibility

We are located in the centre of Bergen, with our main entrance at Østre Skostredet 5. The entrance in Vestre Skostredet provides access for prams and wheelchairs. Cycle parking is also available there. The premises have a lift and audio induction loops.

Ticket sales

Tickets are sold on our website, through the TicketCo app, in the Boksalongen bookshop and at the door. Student rates also apply for social security recipients. People with an accompanying person ID are admitted free of charge.

We encourage everyone attending events in our premises to buy tickets in advance. The doors normally open 20 minutes before an event begins. People turning up after the programme starts are not guaranteed entry.


Arne Selvik, Kjetil Bjorvatn, Øyunn Viken, Øyvind Vågnes, Camilla Bernt, Nhu Diep and Sivert Nesbø.


Opening hours:

55 23 15 20 deretter 1

The House of Literature has its own bookstore, Boksalongen. We are an independent bookstore with a broad and carefully curated selection of literature, both fiction and nonfiction. Our English section offers both new and classical works and a wide range of Norwegian authors in English translation.

Do you need literary refill?

Get in touch with us!
Order books now

Our own bookshop

Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday: 11.00–19.00
Friday and Saturday: 11.00–16.00

55 23 15 20 then press 1


Boksalongen is our own bookshop. We offer a broad and carefully chosen selection of quality literature tailored to our guests and programmes.
We are happy to host book launches for publishers or authors.

Follow Boksalongen for book recommendations, mood reports, inspiration and reminders.

Do you need literary refill?

Get in touch with us!
Order books now


The Colonialen café and brasserie is on our ground floor. While the café is open from morning to evening, the brasserie offers an à la carte menu in the evenings.
Make a reservation
Go to website


The annual Bergen International Literary Festival.
Go to website

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